Representative work

Valian, V.  (12 July 2023).  The gender gap lives on.  [Book review:  Equity for women in science: dismantling systemic barriers to advancement, by C. R. Sugimoto & V. Larivière, Harvard University press.]. Nature, 619, 244-246. [full text]

Valian, V.  (2022).  Gender and evaluation.  In B. B. Donald & S. E. Redfield (Ed.), Extending justice:  Strategies to increase inclusion and reduce bias (Ch 15, pp 323-344).   Durham, NC:  Carolina Academia Press. [full text]

Rabinowitz, V. C. & Valian, V. (2022). Supporting women’s research in predominantly undergraduate institutions: Experiences with a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Award. Frontiers, [full text[

Godbole, M. A., Malvar, N. A., Flores-Robles, G., & Valian, V. (2022). Who do you like? Who will you vote for? Political ideology and person perception in the 2020 US Presidential Election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (ASAP). [full text]

Greider, C. W., Sheltzer, J. M., Cantalupo, N. C., Copeland, W. B., Dasgupta, N. Hopkins, N.,  Jansen, J. M., Joshua-Tor, L.,  McDowell, G. S., Metcalf, J. L., McLaughlin, BA., Olivarius, A.,  O’Shea, E. K., Raymond, J. L., Ruebain, D., Steitz, J. A., Stillman, B., Tilghman, S. M., Valian, V., Villa-Komaroff, L., & Wong, J. L. (2019). Increasing gender diversity in the biomedical research workforce.  Science, 366(6466), 692-695. [full text]

Valian, V. (2019). We are all complicit in harassment and abuse. Nature, 574, 7. [full text]

Godbole, M. A., Malvar, N. A., & Valian, V. V. (2019). Gender, Modern Sexism, and the 2016 election. Politics, Groups, and Identities, 7(3), 700-712. [full text]

Melnikoff, D. E., & Valian, V. V. (2019). Gender disparities in awards to neuroscience researchers. Archives of Scientific Psychology, 7(1), 4-11. [full text]

Madera, J. M., Hebl, M. R., Dial, H., Martin, R., & Valian, V. (2018). Raising doubt in letters of recommendation for academia: Gender differences and their impact. Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-17. [full text]

Nittrouer, C. L., Hebl, M. R., Ashburn-Nardo, L., Trump-Steele, R. C., Lane, D. M., & Valian, V. (2018). Gender disparities in colloquium speakers at top universities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences115(1), 104-108. [full text]

Masur, S. K., Valian, V., & Stewart, A. J.  (16 May 2017).  Niche mentoring:  How to give advice and offer strength from your areas of strength. ASCB Newsletter. [full text]

Valian, V. (2014). Interests, gender, and science. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9(2), 225-230. [full text]

Valian, V. (2014, September 4). Splitting the sexes. [Review of the book Why can't a woman be more like a man?, by L. Wolpert], Nature, 513 , 32. [full text]

Valian, V. (2013, March 7). Invite women to talk. Nature, 495, 36. [full text]

Valian, V. (2013). Sex, power, and change: Where do we go now? In A. Richards & C. Greenberg (Eds.), I still believe Anita Hill (pp. 184-195). New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York. [full text]

Valian, V. (2011, February 17). More alike than different. [Review of the books Delusions of gender: How our minds, society, and neurosexism create difference/The real science behind sex differences, by C. Fine, and Brain storm: The flaws in the science of sex differences, by R. M. Jordan-Young], Nature, 470, 332-333. [full text]

Rabinowitz, V. C. & Valian, V. (2007). Beyond mentoring: A sponsorship program to improve women's success. In A. Stewart, J. Malley and D. LaVaque-Manty (Eds.), Transforming science and engineering: Advancing academic women (pp.96-115). Ann Arbor, MI. The University of Michigan Press. [full text]

Valian, V. (2006). Women at the top in science - and elsewhere. In S. Ceci and W. Williams (Eds.), Why aren't more women in science? (pp.27-37). Washington, D.C. American Psychological Association Press. [full text]

Valian, V. (2005). Beyond gender schemas: Improving the advancement of women in academia. Hypatia, 20, 198-213. [full text]

Valian, V. (2000). The advancement of women in science and engineering. In Women in the chemical workforce: A workshop report to the Chemical Sciences Roundtable (pp 24-37). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. . [full text] [full text on-line]

Rabinowitz, V. C. & Valian, V. (2000). Sex, sex differences, and social behavior. In D. LeCroy & P. Moller (Eds.), Evolutionary perspectives on human reproductive behavior (pp. 196-207). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [full text]

Valian, V. (1999). The cognitive bases of gender bias. Brooklyn Law Review, 65, 1037-1061. (Lead presentation of a roundtable with three commentators.) [full text]

Valian, V. (1998). Running in place. The Sciences, 38, 18-23. [full text]

Valian, V. (September/October 1998). Sex, schemas, and success: what's keeping women back? Academe, 84, 50-55. [full text]