
13 Jun 2024 - Talk on failure and success at Failure Disclosure conference at UVa (organized by Gertrude Fraser and Natalia Palacios)

3 and 5 Jun 2024 - LLMs, PoS, and UG - talk at Understanding LLM Understanding (organized by Stevan Harnad in Montreal)

14 May 2024 - Remote talk on bilingualsim and higher cognitive processing at multilingualism conference (organized by Natascha Müller in Wuppertal). See program

20 Nov 2023 - Remote talk on the immutability of cognitive processes at BCBL

13 Nov 2023 - Gender talk at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice

Oct 2023 - Valian is a fellow at the Institut d’Etudes Avancees, Paris, working on executive function

25 Oct 2023 - Valian participates remotely in a panel on global gender disparities in neuroscience, sponsored by ALBA IBRO

1 & 2 Sep 2023 - Ezrina and Valian give a presentation and a poster at AMLAP 23 in San Sebastian-Donostia

31 Mar 2023 - Valian speaks and conducts workshops on gender and diversity at Wichita State University

9 Feb 2023 - Valian participates remotely at ESO conference on peer review, Germany

2023 - A new book is out: Extending justice: Strategies to increase inclusion and reduce bias, edited by Bernice B. Donald & Sarah E. Redfield.

18 Oct 2022 - Valian talks on gender equity at L’Institut Paul Bocuse, France

Read Rabinowitz & Valian 2022 [full text] for an analysis of the importance of supporting women’s research at predominantly undergraduate institutions

09 Sept 2022 - Valian speaks and conducts workshops on gender and diversity at Gonzaga University

Watch our first gender tutorial video - on gender schemas - here. This is a joint production by Virginia Valian and Caitlin Keryc, partially supported by funding from NSF (which does not necessarily agree with, endorse, or support the statements therein)

01-02 Apr 2022 - Valian speaks and conducts workshops on gender and diversity at Syracuse University

10 Mar 2022 - Valian participates in a panel discussion on gender and power at WOW London

12 Feb 2022 - Valian speaks to the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology (COGDOP) on Creating inclusive and productive environments

10 Feb 2022 - Valian speaks to women at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York

.6 Nov 2021. Valian, V.   Syntactic categories, structures, and innateness.  Keynote presentation (remote), 9th International Conference on Formal Linguistics, Shanghai 

6 Nov 2021. Eliatamby, A. and Valian, V. The continuous nature of negator development. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Boston University Conference on Language Development

9 Apr 2021. Valian, V. and Stewart, A. are keynote speakers at NSF Includes Symposium for ADVANCING Latinas in STEM Academic Careers

31 Mar 2021. Valian, V. and Stewart, A. present at NSF’s celebration of 20 years of ADVANCE: Inclusive academic science: Achieving diversity and excellence.

8 Jan 2021. Ma, X., Valian, V., & Chodorow, M. Can ‘Let her open it’ explain ‘Her open it’ error? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America.

8 Dec 2020. Valian gives METIS lecture: Gender equity: Yesterday, today, tomorrow.

27 Nov 2020. Bencini, G., Mann, M. M., & Valian, V. Syntax comes first in second language acquisition: evidence from syntactic priming. Paper presented at the 56th Linguistic Colloquium (LingColl).

25 Nov 2020. Godbole, M., Malvar, N., & Valian, V. Kamala Harris struck the almost impossible balance between masculinity and femininity. Slate.

18 Nov 2020. Valian gives the keynote for the 20th anniversary of the founding of Women in Cognitive Science - “Still too slow: The advancement of women”.

18 Nov 2020. Ma, X., Chodorow, M., & Valian, V. (2020). Learning pronoun case from distributional cues: Flexible frames for case acquisition. Paper presented at Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL) 2020 conference.

13 Nov 2020. Valian talks at McMaster University on gender inequity.

accessed 18 Nov 2020. See this wonderful selection of women in linguistics - with whom I am honored to be included - posted by El Departament de Filologia Catalana de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: LES LINGÜISTES QUE ENS HAN OBERT CAMINS.

8 Nov 2020. Valian participates in syjmposium at BUCLD 45 with Iris Berent and Elissa Newport: “Exploring innateness: How do we move ahead?”

5 Nov 2020. Xu, Q., Chodorow, M., & Valian, V. (2020). Continuously growing resources but discrete production units: A probabilistic account of the development of early utterance length. Paper presentation at BUCLD 45.

30 Oct 2020. Valian gives professional development seminar on gender equity to Linguistics at the CUNY Graduate Center.

27 Oct 2020. Valian gives track keynote at 2020 Assessment Institute at IUPUI. A recording of the talk and questions is here.

26 Oct 2020. Valian gives Project EPIC Mentoring-for-Leadership Luncheon at IUPUI.

22 Oct 2020. Valian, V., Feitzinger, P., & Chodorow, C. (2020). When do children most resemble their parents? Poster presentation at Many Paths to Language, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.

15 Oct 2020. Valian gives workshop for undergraduates in the GRACE Leadership Program at LaGuardia Community College: Effectiveness and leadership: Five strategies for success.

24 Sept 2020. Valian gives talk at Lafayette College: An inclusive and equitable campus: Inclusiveness and excellence go hand in hand.

16 Sept 2020. Valian gives talk at I,Scientist, in symposium with Thomas Brage and Jess Wade.

16 Sept 2020. Valian gives workshop at I,Scientist for students, post-docs, and faculty on Strategies for success: Becoming the scientist and person you want to be.

28 May 2020. Valian gives public lecture on gender equity at Ca’ Foscari University: Gender inequity: What is it, why does it continue, what can we do about it?

21 Apr 2020. Valian gives linguistics lecture at Ca’ Foscari: Inferring a grammar: Children's language development and use

7 Apr 2020. Valian gives linguistics lecture at Ca’ Foscari: How abstract is children’s early grammar?

1 Feb 2020-17 June 2020. Valian is Visiting Scholar at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice.

14 Nov 2019. Valian gives ASEE EDGE webinar on improving the representation of women in academic engineering.

8 Nov 2019. Ma, X, Xu, Q., Valian, V., & Chodorow, M: (2019). Testing the Tolerance Principle on corpus data. Poster presentation at BUCLD 44.

8 Nov 2019. Xu, Q., Chodorow, M., & Valian, V. (2019). The structure of very early multi-word utterances. Poster presentation at BUCLD 44.

4 Oct 2019. Valian speaks at the University of Toronto: “Are 2-year-olds copying their parents or just speaking the same language?”

30 Sept-1 Oct 2019. Valian leads workshops on recruiting and evaluating faculty at University of Nebraska-Omaha.

8 Sept 2019. Valian speaks at CSHL WiSE: “Still too slow: The advancement of women”.

23 August 2019. Valian speaks on creating an inclusive environment at PRIDE Health Research Consortium.

29 July - 2 August 2019. With Natalie Batmanian, Valian co-teaches a summer class on language acquisition at YALP in Yerevan.

13 July 2019. Malvar, N., Godbole, M.A., Valian, V.V. (2019, July). Think president, think male: Implications for women now and in the future. In A.S. Weiss (Chair), Gender, media representation, and attitudes in U.S. electoral politics. Symposium at Annual Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal.

13 July 2019. Godbole, M., Malvar, N., Valian, V. (2019, July). The role of morality, competence, and sociability in evaluation of political leaders. Paper presentation at Annual Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology. Lisbon, Portugal.

10 April 2019. Valian speaks to engineering deans on gender equity.

5 April 2019. Valian talks on Gender and the 2016 Election at The College of New Jersey

3 April 2019. Columbia University hosts Valian for a day of dialogues, workshops, and a talk about gender in academia

23 March 2019. Society for Research in Child Development symposium on Gender inequality in developmental psychology, organized by Erike Wojcik and including talks by Wojcik, Andrei Cimpian, Valian, and Allison Master in Baltimore

8 November 2018, CUNY podcast (the Thought Project, hosted by Tanya Domi) with Valian speaking on gender

5 November 2018, MIT Press Bookstore sponsors authors@mit with Valian discussing An Inclusive Academy

4 November 2018, Sarah Boon reviews An Inclusive Academy for the Los Angeles Review of Books, saying “this book provides real solutions and concrete actions that can be taken to make academia more welcoming”

1 November 2018, BizEd includes An Inclusive Academy on its bookshelf, calling it “A telling and well-researched roadmap to help academia meet its diversity goals.”

October 2018, Nature publishes Valian’s World View about a week of good news and not-very-good news on women in science

September 2018, MIT Press has a Q&A with Stewart and Valian

September 2018, Valian visits Marshall University to talk on gender and lead workshops.

August 2018, Valian participates in a workshop with Sherilynn Black, Jabbar Bennett, and Bruce Birren on gender and diversity for scientists and staff at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Marine Biological Laboratory, and the Jackson Laboratory

August 2018, Salon excerpts chapter 1 of An inclusive academy:  Achieving diversity and excellence

July 2018, Chronicle of Higher Education lists An inclusive academy:  Achieving diversity and excellence in Selected New Books on Higher Education

July 2018, Inside Higher Ed features an excerpt on Recruiting Diverse and Excellent New Faculty from An inclusive academy:  Achieving diversity and excellence

July 2018, Stewart and Valian discuss their new book that suggests most colleges can do more to diversify their faculties at Inside Higher Ed.

July 2018, Stewart and Valian's An inclusive academy:  Achieving diversity and excellence is available through MIT Press and Amazon.

July 2018, Valian was an EHR Distinguished Lecturer and ADVANCE Invited Speaker at the National Science Foundation.

May 2018, Valian gave the FoVea (Females of Vision et al) Workshop at the Vision Sciences Society:  Remedying the (still) too slow advancement of women.